A New Year, Lung Detox, And a New You

Opportunity For A Healthy Change, Or Same Old Same Old?

So here we are, a few weeks into 2013. Has anything changed for you? A new year is supposed to be brimming with new opportunities, isn't it? Have a quick look around. See any? If you do, congratulations, you are either very fortunate or are already working toward the sort of future you want. But for the rest of us, we need to make some decisions and start working toward what we want. And now we have the lucidity of being sober (compared to New Year's Eve), and are over the holidays and back into our real lives, we should have the clarity of the everyday to make some lasting resolutions to create the sort of future we want. Care to join me?

But How Do I Make The Future That I Want - Right Now?

It's very important when thinking about the sort of future you want, that you actually visualize yourself, being the way you want to be, in that future. This will give you a goal to aspire to, and when you are in the 'lows,' threatening to give it all in (and let's face it, we've all been there), you can remember back to your vision of yourself being the way you want to be, and hang onto that goal. That's where you want to be. That's WHAT you want to be. No one is going to get you there but you, because it's your goal, so you have to do it. And keeping that in mind, push through and keep going.

But there will be times that you falter, step off the path, slip back a bit. There are very few of us that achieve exactly what we want without going through a bit of 2 steps forward, 1 back. The important thing is what you do at those times. Do you give up, having 'failed' somehow? Do you distract yourself, by shopping, or drinking, or some other 'comfort' activity? Whatever you do when you have this sort of breakdown on the road to your goals, ask yourself 'Is what I am doing now getting me any closer to my goal?' If the answer is 'no,' then you need to change what you are doing! Next time you 'step back,' catch yourself wandering off to distract yourself, forgive yourself your weakness, and get back in the horse. It's the only way to get to where you want to be.

That is because the only place you can make any changes in your life is now. Right now. Now is all we have. But if you visualize yourself in the future being the way you want to be, that future will eventually become your now, and you will 'live into' what you have created for yourself. However, you can't ignore the simple fact that nothing worth doing is inherently easy. Notice I added 'inherently' to that old platitude? That's because the things worth doing become a LOT easier and more achievable with access to the right information. Information is power; the power to reach your goals and be the person you want to be.

Getting The Right Information Is Crucial

If you've quit smoking recently or plan/want to start down that road in the near future, then you will maximize your results with the right information; that is, to stay quit and detoxify your lungs as quickly and safely as possible. I always feel so fortunate that Mark Freeman and I have been able to research and gather the right, crucial information on this topic and are able to share it with you, at a great price when you consider how much you'd spend, even over a week, on the dreaded cigarettes.

Our flagship product, The Complete Lung Detoxification Guide Series is all about giving you the knowledge you need, and the preparation tips to maximize your chances of success. We do this with a straightforward lung detox and the tools necessary to stay quit, or a quit program and lung detox. It's all included. Now the Guides themselves give you a wealth of information that will help make your Lung Detox quick and highly successful (several months rather than up to 10 years), as well as a mass of Quit help, Stress Reduction tips, and Motivation methods that should hold you in good stead as you create that new future and work your way into it.

So sit down, make some plans, and start creating that future you want for you, right now. I wish you all the very best of good fortune in the endeavor!

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