Seven Tips To Help In Your First Week Of Quitting Smoking

By Tony Sanger

1. Drink lots of healthy

beverages. This can help you

avoid the dreaded weight gain

associated with quitting, as well

as start flushing years of toxins

out of your body. Use water,

juice and green tea. Avoid

coffee, soda and alcohol at all


2. Start a healthy exercise

routine. This too will help work the nicotine out of your

system and keep the pounds off! Regular exercise will

also help you begin to forge new habits and a different

schedule to your life.

Having the healthier mindset of

someone who commits to exercise will reinforce your

decision to become a non-smoker. Start small or use the

advice of your physician to make sure your plan for

working out is not too hard on your body.

3. Skip the junk foods. Although it may be tempting to

use the logic that since you've given up smoking, you

owe yourself a few treats, this will be very counter-


Such foods will quickly pack the pounds on

and maybe cause you to regret the fact that you ever quit

smoking! Eat carrots or sugar-free mints and try eating

more frequent meals in smaller proportions throughput

the day.

4. Add breathing to your list of exercises! Deep

intentional breathing is healthy for anyone, but as a non-

smoker, you've got some extra internal cleansing to do.

Slowly take air in through your nose, hold it momentarily,

then let it out in a controlled manner through your mouth.

This is cleansing and strengthening and will help your

respiratory system return to that of a normal human


5. Get plenty of high-quality sleep. You need rest going

through withdrawal and a few naps or sleeping in an

extra hour will boost your energy levels as well. Even if

you don't fall asleep, use the resting time to meditate and

visualize yourself as a non-smoker.

6. Mix-up your habits and routines. Avoid driving by that

store where you always buy smokes and find something

else to do during breaks and lunch at work. Don't hang

out with people who smoke, no matter if it's your mom or

sibling, at least until you know you have total control over

the urge to smoke!

7. Handle stress right away. Don't wait until you're pulling

your hair out and ready to explode before addressing the

stress in your life, that could lead to a break down of will

power and lighting up!

Take hot showers, get massages,

try yoga and anything else that will help ease your mind

and melt away stress. Such practices are good zen in life

anyway and you can learn to lean on them whenever you

feel overwhelmed or the urge to do you-know-what


Once you get over the first week or so, it will get easier.

Although you may go the rest of your life wanting a

cigarette, you know you will resist! You know you can

remain committed to staying smoke-free and fight the

power cigarettes once had over you.

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