Did you ever feel craving for something so strong that you would do anything to get it? A feeling so overpowering that you feel you won't be able to live without the substance can disrupt your peace, life and get in the way of everything. It's termed as addiction. From alcohol to drugs to even games on social networking sites, addiction could be of anything. It has been defined as a mood altering behavior which can change the brain activity inside your brain. Allergies, on the other hand, are disorders of your immune system which are caused when your body reacts to substances that are otherwise harmless like peanuts or sun rays.

Allergies could be due to various reasons ranging from dust to food. These could be environmental or genetic and the best way to fight the allergies is to avoid the allergens. If you stay away from the elements making you sick, you won't be affected. But for that, you need to realize that you have an allergy. Once your doctor confirms your fears, you need to find out what is causing the allergy. In order to do that, doctors conduct tests like Skin Tests, Blood Tests and Challenge tests. The problem sometimes is that you can't avoid some of the natural elements, no matter how much you try. So the best way is to ask your doctor for treatments to block the allergens from attacking your body. Immunotherapy and medicines work in the favor of the patients and help them fight allergy.
In both the cases, you need to realize that you have a problem. Many times people deny their health problems and by the time they notice they have an illness and the disease gets along too far. So it is very important to look for the symptoms. Allergens cause itching, rashes, pain, diarrhea, sneezing, coughing and swelling whenever you come in contact with them. Similarly, addicts experience intense cravings, headaches, hallucinations, nausea and anxiety. Addicts, however, always deny their issues and think they can handle it. If something is coming between you and your life, you need to wake up and start redeeming yourself. There are rehabilitation centers everywhere you can get yourself admitted into and take control of your life. You only get one life to live, so don't waste it. If you can't do it alone, there are support groups that can help you to make your life a lot better.
It is never too late to help yourself or someone else who is suffering from any kind of addiction. Know more about Nicotine addiction