Conditions Treated by Medical Rehabilitation

Throughout our lives there are all sorts of peaks and valleys we must traverse. From personal issues to troubles at work to simple everyday decisions, human existence is a constant series of ups and downs.
One "down" that can be especially stressful is dealing with a medical issue. Sure, there are some medical problems that you can simply recover from on your own, or go to the doctor and take a pill for. However, there are also some conditions out there that require a lot more treatment.
Whether you have a temporary or chronic illness, you may be a candidate for a medical rehabilitation program. These programs are also sometimes used by patients with physical, functional, or cognitive problems.
Medical professionals design rehab programs to help speed up the process of recovery for a patient. In some cases when recovery is not entirely possible, the programs are designed to help manage and control the ailment.
There are all sorts of conditions out there that may benefit from a medical rehabilitation program. Here are just a few of them.

Multiple Traumas
Labeling a patient as having experienced multiple trauma can actually mean a wide range of things. The very general definition is of a multiple trauma patient would be someone who has injured multiple parts of their body at the same time. This can include organs, body systems, head injuries, and more.
A patient who has been the victim of a serious car accident is an example of someone who has suffered multiple trauma. The reason that a multiple trauma patient requires intensive medical rehabilitation is that it often extends beyond simple physical therapy.
Physical therapy works best when the therapist treats one specific injury. An example of this might include a football player who tore ligaments in their ankle. They can then rehab the ankle in and out of a medical facility, and eventually recuperate.
However, a multiple trauma victim has many injuries, and possibly even brain damage. They may have to recuperate not just their body, but also their mind. This is how a medical rehabilitation program can be truly beneficial.
Postoperative Deconditioning
Conditioning occurs when you are exercising your body and getting it into better shape. Deconditioning is the exact opposite of this. After a patient has undergone surgery there is sure to be a period of decline in the ensuing days, weeks, and maybe even months.
Postoperative deconditioning occurs because of a combination of both inactivity and poor nutrition. The real danger of deconditioning is that it leads to a downward spiral of increasingly poor health. First the patient suffers a loss of mobility, and this loss of mobility makes them less able to work out there bodies.
This is why medical rehabilitation is so essential following surgery. Though it will be difficult for the patient, it is essential for them to immediately start working with a therapist after their surgery to speed along their recovery.
Organ System Failure and Transplants
After a patient has had an organ system fail, or after they have had an organ transplanted, they are going to face a long, difficult road to recovery. This isn't like bruising your knee and having to wait for a few days until it recovers. Organ system failure and organ transplants require constant help from a rehabilitation professional so that the patient can begin their recovery process.
Renal or Metabolic Diseases
Renal disease deals with problems of the kidneys, and can lead to complete failure. When a patient's kidneys fail they have to undergo dialysis to filter toxins out of the body. While this dialysis is going on the patient will need to undergo a thorough rehab program as well. This is especially so if they end up needing a kidney transplant.
Metabolic disease is when your body has a disruption in its metabolism. The human metabolism helps to break up food and transfer it into fuel for your body. Sometimes, however, certain organs that are crucial to the metabolism, like the liver or pancreas, cease to function normally. One common example of this would be diabetes.
Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease is also known as diseases of the heart. Recovering from a heart illness is an incredibly dangerous path for a patient to go down on their own. For one, we all know that exercise works out our heart. The last thing that we want to do is overdo our recovery process and further damage an essential bodily organ.
When a cardiovascular patient enters a rehabilitation program they can feel confident that their doctor will put them on a program that helps them to progress in a safe and healthy way.
These aren't the only diseases that can be improved through a medical rehabilitation program either. Patients who suffer from cancer, immune system disorders, and pulmonary diseases can all begin the process of moving on with their lives through medical rehabilitation.
The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical advice. All medical information presented should be discussed with your healthcare professional. Remember, the failure to seek timely medical advice can have serious ramifications. We urge you to discuss any current health related problems you are experiencing with a healthcare professional immediately.

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